How dirty do you want to get?
Downright Filthy Sponsor $2500
*Large company logo/name on event shirt (4"x6")
*Company logo/name on banner at the start or finish
line area and 8 signs (18"x 24") throughout the course.
*Acknowledgement on event website, Facebook & Twitter
*Entry for 4 runners in this years race.
Muddy Sponsor $1000
*Company logo/name on event shirt (2"x4")
*Company logo/name on 8 signs (18"x 24")
throughout the course.
*Acknowledgement on event website, Facebook & Twitter
*Free registration for 2 participants
Obstacle Sponsor (limited to 4 sponsors) $750
*Company logo/name on your choice of an
obstacle: Climbing Wall (2), Half pipe, or
Ice Dumpster
Dirty Sponsor $500
*Company logo/name on 4 signs (18"x24")
throughout the course
*Acknowledgement on event website, Facebook & Twitter
*Free registration for 1 participant
Dusty Sponsor $250
*Company logo/name on 4 signs (18"x24")
throughout the course
*Acknowledgement on event website, Facebook & Twitter