Greenwood Mennonite School is governed by a school board of up to nine members. This board represents the owner church, Greenwood Mennonite Church, as well as sponsoring churches. The school board meets on a monthly basis to oversee GMS operations. Board members support the school in many ways and are always open to feedback from parents and others with concerns.
Weston Yutzy
Board Chairman
Owner/Vice President – Residential Sales - Warfel Construction
Charles Welfley
Vice Chairman
Occupation: Owner of Welfley Masonry
Fred Mast
Finance Committee Chair
CPA, Office Managing Shareholder, Jefferson, Urian, Doane, and Sterner
Doug Cramer
Biomedical Engineering Technician at University of Maryland Medical System
Courtney Schrock
Building and Grounds Committee Chair
Occupation: Part Owner of Elvin Schrock and Sons Plumbing
Joan Mills
Member At-Large
Educational Training Specialst
Randal Zehr
Member At-Large
John David Swartzentruber
Pastoral Representative of Greenwood Mennonite Church
Occupation: Pastor and Chicken Farmer