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Here's a little clue what you'll be dealing with. Obstacles not in any particular order, and are liable to change.

1. Tire Wall
Use the tires to help get to the other side.

2. Log Carry
Flex your muscles.

3. Log Hurdles
Over and Under. Over and Under. Repeat.

4. Rope Climb
Just like gym class.

5. A frame
Up one side and down the other.

6. Rope Swing
Swinging up high across mud... what else would you expect?

7. Tire Run
Keep your knees up and your chin held high.

8. V Hurdles
Not your average hurdles.

9. Culvert Pipes
Face it. You're gonna get dirty.

10. Army Mud Crawl
Stay low and move forward.

11. Cargo Net
Don't trip on your way up.... or down.

12. Ice Dumpster
Don't worry - it's refreshing!

13. Mud Pit
You knew there were gonna be a few of these....

14. Lilypads
Get your frog legs ready.

15. Balance Beam
One bad move and you'll regret it.

16. Climbing Wall
Don't look down. The wall just gets higher.

17. Tire Crawl
Tires above you. Mud beneath you.

18. Uneven Bridge
Swaying and swinging over the ditches

19. Mystery Obstacles
What could they be? Find out on June 1st!!
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